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Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Big thank you to anonymous know who you are, x

fundraising update

Well, i'm over a tenth of the way to the fundraising target !!! Big thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far. I must extend some thanks to Julia and Nicki who suggested some kind of preparatory training might be in order.......on reflection, i think this might be a good call. A thermos flask arrived for me today which i thought would be pretty lush on the windswept, fog bound mountain scree of the Pyrenees but at 1050grams it's surely going to be a luxury too far and sadly might not make the final packing it possible to helium line backpacks????

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Hi there, thanks for checking this out. So finally the cat is out of the bag and i have committed to this walkabout! Not much to report yet obviously but the 'minimal' planning is going very well though the more i read about this camino the more tales i find of bandits, wolves, bears, treacherous weather in the pyrenees and no room at the inn/church/park bench. Still, hopefully things have moved on a little since medieval times and my worst foes should be no more than postman savaging dogs (something of a concern), whether my knees will get me to my feet every morning and the likely shortage of cappuccinos along the trail.

Meanwhile if anyone has a super warm, super spacious sleeping back that weighs only 3 grams going spare let me know.

Buen Camino x